Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts – 1 lb

Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts – 1 lb


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Introducing our tasty and nutrient-rich Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts! We are proud to offer these tender and flavorful hearts in a convenient 1-pound package.

Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts Specifications

Specification Details
Weight 1 lb.
Package Approximately a pound of tender and flavorful chicken hearts
Source Free-range, pasture-raised chickens
Raised on Pasture with grasses, legumes, and insects
Non-GMO Yes
Antibiotic-free Yes
Hormone-free Yes

Source: Our Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts come from free-range chickens that are raised on vibrant pastures. They have unrestricted access to a diverse range of grasses, legumes, and insects, which contribute to their optimal health and well-being. The natural, nutrient-dense diet of our free-range chickens results in superior flavor and texture in their hearts.

Package: Each package contains approximately a pound of tender and flavorful chicken hearts, making it easy to incorporate them into your favorite recipes. Whether you prefer grilling, sautéing, or slow-cooking, our chicken hearts are versatile and delicious.

Weight: The Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts are conveniently packaged in a 1-pound size, ensuring you have enough for a satisfying meal or to use in various culinary creations.

Non-GMO: The limited amount of grain that our free-range chickens consume is sourced from Non-GMO ingredients. This commitment to non-genetically modified organisms ensures that our chickens are not exposed to any potentially harmful substances.

Antibiotic-free: Our Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts are raised without the use of antibiotics. This means that they are free from antibiotic residues and are a healthy and clean protein option.

Hormone-free: Our chickens are also raised without the use of added hormones. This ensures that the chicken hearts are free from any artificial substances, providing you with a natural and flavorful product.

Superior Taste: The tender and flavorful nature of our Pasture-raised Chicken Hearts will impress even the most discerning palates. These hearts are packed with rich, savory flavors that are sure to enhance a wide range of dishes, from stir-fries to salads and beyond.

Nutrient-rich and Versatile: Chicken hearts are nutrient-dense, containing essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins. They are also a great source of high-quality protein and offer a unique texture that can add depth to your culinary creations.

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